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WPML is plugin that allows multi-lingual functionality for the website, allowing features like post and media translations. Eightshift Forms is fully compatible with WPML, and allows adding language variants (translations) to forms.

WPML screen

How to use

If using WPML, enable the WPML feature in form settings. This will ensure the forms is displayed correctly in the form listing page, and that all the multi-language features work.

Features affected by WPML

WPML affects the following features:

Forms listing

By default, we use get_locale()to retrieve the default language of the project. Once WPML is activated, a new language tag is assigned to each setting, and the forms display only in the language they're assigned to.

Forms selector

When selecting forms in the Forms picker, only the forms in the current editing language are visible.

Forms settings

Forms settings are unique for each language variant of the form.

Global settings

Global settings, similar to form settings, are unique for each language variation, with the exception of API keys, tokens, etc.