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Utils library

In order to provide a better experience for developers, we have created a library of utility functions that can be used in your add-on plugin. This library is available in the Eightshift Forms Utils package.

In this library we have multiple utils classes with PHP. To use it in your add-on, you need to require the package in your composer.json file.

"require": {
"infinum/eightshift-forms-utils": "^1.1.10",

All helpers are located inside the EightshiftFormsAddonComputedFieldsVendor\EightshiftFormsUtils namespace.

Example usage

In this example we will show how to get settings names.

use EightshiftFormsAddonComputedFieldsVendor\EightshiftFormsUtils\Helpers\UtilsSettingsHelper;

$name = UtilsSettingsHelper::getSettingName('<my_setting_name>');