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Add-on boilerplate

We have created a boilerplate for creating a new add-on for the Eightshift Forms plugin. This boilerplate will help you to create a new add-on with the correct structure and naming conventions.

You can download the boilerplate from the Eightshift Forms Add-on Boilerplate repository.

How to use the boilerplate add-on

  1. Clone the Eightshift Forms Addon Boilerplate repository.
  2. Rename the eightshift-forms-addon-boilerplate folder to eightshift-forms-addon-<addon-name>.
  3. Rename the EightshiftFormsAddonBoilerplate string to EightshiftFormsAddon<AddonName>.
  4. Rename the eightshift-forms-addon-boilerplate string to eightshift-forms-addon-<addon-name>.
  5. Rename all other instances of Boilerplate to your add-on name.
  6. Run the composer install command to install the required dependencies.
  7. Add the add-on plugin to you projects plugins folder.
  8. Activate the add-on plugin.