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Getting started

To set up a new theme, check the docs for creating a new theme or plugin.

Editor setup

While you can use any editor, you'll probably have the best Tailwind experience in Visual Studio Code.

First, install the official TailwindCSS IntelliSense extension.

This will enable autocomplete, error detection, and a feature where you can hover on a Tailwind class and see what CSS it'll output.

To expand this into JSON files (for use in manifests), add this to your User settings JSON:

"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"strings": "on"
"tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": {
"plaintext": "html",
"json": "html"
"tailwindCSS.classAttributes": [
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
["\"twClasses\\w*\":\\s{([^}]*)}", "\":\\s\"(.*)\""],
"getTwClasses\\(attributes, manifest, '(.*)'\\)",
"getTwPart\\(.+, manifest, '(.*)'\\)",

Now you should get auto-completions and see advanced highlighting within your manifests!

Other editors

While there are no official extensions for other editors, here are some resources that might be useful: