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Version 10 to 11

This migration guide contains migration instructions for:

This release contains a couple of breaking changes! Check the list below for details about changes that will have to be made.

Also, a couple of changes are optional, but recommended.

The major update on this release is the support for PHP 8+.

PHP support

Migration time: ~5min.

PHP 8+

To allow support for PHP 8+ you need to update Eightshift Libs to the latest version and update your project's composer.json to all the latest package versions.


Don't forget to update the required PHP version in composer.json and run composer update.

PHP 7.4+

The latest version of the Eightshift Libs still supports PHP 7.4+. If you cannot update to PHP 8+, update composer.json packages to all the latest versions, except these packages, which should stay on the previous versions:

"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "v0.7.2",
"infinum/eightshift-coding-standards": "1.6.0",

Required changes

Migration time: ~5min.

Remove deprecated functions from blocks

If you used the getAllBlocksListOld or getCustomCategoryOld functions in your blocks, remove them and the respective action hooks, as these functions are no longer available.

Enqueue the lodash library

From WordPress version 6.4+, the core lodash library is no longer enqueued by default. We have an internal dependency to this library, so you should enqueue it in your project if you made any changes to the getAdminScriptDependencies function in the EnqueueBlocks.php file.

You can skip this step if you didn't change anything in that function.

Optional changes

Migration time: ~5min.

The following changes are not required, but you might consider adding them to have all the latest modifications.

Update your Config.php file

  • We changed the Config.php file to use the project name using TextDomain and the version using Version defined in your style.css file.