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Tooltips don't usually need to be used directly, as they are used internally by other components. By default, they only work with components that properly handle pointer events.

There is an initial delay before showing a tooltip, so they don't show accidentally when the user is just moving the pointer around. This can be modified with props.

After a tooltip has been shown, the surrounding tooltips will not have any delay before showing the tooltip.

Likewise, there's a slight delay when the pointer exits the element with a tooltip, so it doesn't disappear immediately.

The tooltip will also be shown when the element is focused. In that case, there is no delay when the tooltip is shown/hidden.

If you need a tooltip on an element which doesn't handle pointer events, you can use the DecorativeTooltip component. Decorative tooltips do not have special delayed enter/exit behavior as regular tooltips. They will also wrap your element in a container that handles hover events.


Never include any crucial info within tooltips as they cannot be triggered on devices without a pointer, e.g. phones.

<Tooltip text='This is a tooltip'>

Highlighted props

For the complete list of props, use your IDE's autocomplete functionality.


text='This is a tooltip'
<Button>Light theme</Button>


Helps connect the tooltip to the element it's describing.

text='This is a tooltip'


text='This is a tooltip'
<Button>Tooltip on the right</Button>