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Color swatch

<ColorSwatch color='#0D3636' />

This components only accepts a valid CSS color value or gradient, with the exception of named colors, of which only transparent is supported.

Empty state

<ColorSwatch />

Transparent color

<ColorSwatch color='#4433EE80' />


gradient='linear-gradient(#0D3636, rgb(249 250 251))'
colorName='Linear gradient'
gradient='radial-gradient(#0D3636, rgb(249 250 251))'
colorName='Radial gradient'
gradient='conic-gradient(#0D3636, rgb(249 250 251))'
colorName='Conic gradient'

Providing a custom color name

For colors, the color name will be automatically generated based on the color value. If you want to provide a custom color name, you can do so by passing the colorName prop.

You should provide this for gradients.

colorName='Eightshift dark green'