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Field Example


REST Field class is located in Eightshift Libs. To extend it, use use Eightshift_Libs\Rest\Base_Field class. This is an abstract class.


To create custom REST Field:

  1. make a new class src/rest-routes/fields/class-example-field.php.
  2. implement all the methods provided in the example.
  3. register the class inside the class-main.php file.
  4. dump autoload.
* The class register field for example endpoint
* @since 1.0.0
* @package Eightshift_Boilerplate\Rest_Routes\Fields

declare( strict_types=1 );

namespace Eightshift_Boilerplate\Rest_Routes\Fields;

use Eightshift_Libs\Rest\Base_Field;
use Eightshift_Libs\Rest\Callable_Field;

* Class Register Field
class Example_Field extends Base_Field implements Callable_Field {

* Method that returns field object type.
* Object(s) the field is being registered to, "post"|"term"|"comment" etc.
* @return string|array
* @since 2.0.0 Added in the project
protected function get_object_type() : string {
return 'post';

* Get the name of the field you want to register or override.
* @return string The attribute name.
* @since 2.0.0 Added in the project
protected function get_field_name() : string {
return 'example-field-name';

* Get callback arguments array
* @return array Either an array of options for the endpoint, or an array of arrays for multiple methods.
* @since 2.0.0 Added in the project
protected function get_callback_arguments() : array {
return [
'get_callback' => [ $this, 'field_callback' ],

* Method that returns rest response
* @param object|array $object Post or custom post type object of the request.
* @param string $attr Rest field/attr string identifier from the second parameter of your register_rest_field() declaration.
* @param object $request Full request payload – as a WP_REST_Request object.
* @param string $object_type The object type which the field is registered against. Typically first parameter of your register_rest_field() declaration.
* @return mixed If response generated an error, WP_Error, if response
* is already an instance, WP_HTTP_Response, otherwise
* returns a new WP_REST_Response instance.
* @since 0.8.0 Removing type hinting void for php 7.0.
* @since 0.2.0 Removed type hinting from first argument because it can be object|array.
* @since 0.1.0
public function field_callback( $object, string $attr, $request, string $object_type ) : string {
return \rest_ensure_response( 'output data' );

Test in action

To test it in action for default boilerplate the link would be:


This link will be different based on your project implementation.